Teh Bijak
Mengapa ada program “TehBijak” apa ini perlu? Sangat perlu, karena kita tidak akan bisa hidup sendiri dan melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah sendirian. Apa lagi dijaman sekarang yang semua mengeluh sulitnya mendapatkan mitrakerja. So, bukan dimana kita mendapakannya melainkan bagaimana kita menciptakan iklim yang membuat mereka bertahan kerja dengan kita.
Setiap Rabu : Jam 17.00
Religion – the science, the object of study that is religion. As a comparatively independent branch of Religious Research evolved because the XIX century., While the relevant expertise, and above all philosophical, theological, historical, psychological, and other folks have accumulated more than the centuries. Now the topic of Religious laws are the origin, development and functioning of religion, its diverse phenomena as they appeared inside the history of custom writing help society, the relationship and interaction of religion along with other places of culture. This study religion at the degree of society, groups and folks.